What is Injection Therapy?
Injection therapy is used to help provide relief from spine, nerve, and muscle pain. Our pain specialists perform many types of injections. Injections are tailored to each patient's condition and presenting symptoms. Our specialists are fellowship trained and board certified.
Lumbar epidural injections
Treats lower back and leg pain. Steroid and anesthetic medications are injected into the lumbar epidural space. The steroid (cortisone) reduces inflammation. The anesthetic (Lidocaine) immediately decreases pain.
Transforaminal injections
Treats spine and extremity pain. Spinal nerve roots exit vertebrae through tiny openings called foramina. A transforaminal injection targets compressed, irritated, and inflamed nerve roots. Steroid and anesthetic medications are injected into the transforaminal epidural space.
Lumbar sympathetic injections
Treats lower extremity pain. Anaesthetic medication is injected near pain signaling lumbar sympathetic nerves. Pain signals are blocked and pain decreases very quickly.
Stellate ganglion injections
Treats upper extremity pain. Anaesthetic medication is injected near pain signaling cervical (neck) sympathetic nerves. Pain signals are blocked and pain decreases very quickly.
Selective nerve root blocks
Treats irritated and inflamed cervical, thoracic, and lumbar nerve roots. Steroid and anesthetic medications are injected. Pain relief occurs quickly.
Trigger point injections
Treats muscle pain and tension. Steroid and anesthetic medications are injected into muscle trigger points and knots. Muscles and nerves relax and the pain decreases quickly.
What Conditions Does Injection Therapy Treat?
Injection Therapy treats:
- Arthritis
- Spinal stenosis
- Herniated disc
- Sciatica, degenerative disc disease
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic pain
- and More
Scheduling and attending an initial consultation is the first step toward receiving an injection therapy treatment solution. A complete medical history will be obtained, a physical examination will be performed, medical imaging tests will be ordered and analyzed. An accurate diagnosis will be made. A customized injection therapy treatment plan will be created just for you.

Anthony Virella, MD
Anthony Virella, MD is a Board-Certified, Fellowship Trained Neurological Spine Surgeon with advanced training in the management spinal disorders. He is also a graduate of the UCLA Neurosurgery Residency Program and completed his Complex Spine Resident Fellowship at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Additional work included a second Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery at the UCLA Comprehensive Spine Center. Dr. Virella is a nationally recognized spine specialist and has authored numerous articles and lectured nationally and internationally in the field of Complex and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.